I must say this question does make me thing a lot about myself. After quite some time of consideration, I finally come to conclusion to pick someone who is rather outside the norm. Most people probably picked anime or superhero character. I don't know why but I really am attracted to pick some one on the other side of the justice line hence my choice of fictional character, he have been referred as the Clown Prince of Crime, The Harlequin of Hate and The Aces of Knaves. Does it ring any bells?
Yes, he is none other than the super villain and the archenemy of Batman, The Joker. He is a master criminal with a clown like appearance. He is a vicious, calculating, psychopath killer, who murders people for his own amusement. He have been responsible for numerous tragedies in Batman's life, including the paralysis of Barbara Gordon a.k.a Batgirl/Oracle, The murder of Jason Todd a.k.a Robin and Jim Gordon's second wife Sarah Essen.
Before his criminal career, The Joker was just an average Joe leading a normal life with his family. But due to an unfortunate event, his pregnant wife was kidnapped and then murdered by the criminal in order to force him into committing a crime, and as he tried to escape he was confronted by the dark knight and during the commotion he plummets into a vat of chemicals. When he resurfaces he appearance have turn into bleached chalk white skin, ruby red lips and emerald green hair.These events, coupled with his other misfortunate events that day, drive the engineer through the massive personality shifts that results in the birth of The Joker.
His power and ability are hand to hand combat. this have been proven so many times during his encounter with Batman. He have proven to be very skilled in the are of martial art as well,this being proven when beating the Batman once in a fight without "cheating". Over the years it has been shown that although Batman might be stronger, The Joker is faster and more agile.
The Joker commits crime with countless "comedic" weapons (such as razor-sharp playing cards, acid flowers, cyanide pies, and lethal electric joy buzzer) and Joker Venom, a deadly poison that infects his victim with a ghoulish rictus grin as they die while laughing uncontrollably.The Joker also is very skilled in the fields of chemistry, genetics and nuclear engineering.
There have been times when Batman has been tempted to put the Joker down once and for all, but has relented at the last minute. After capturing the Joker in one story, he threatens to kill his old foe, but then says, "But that would give you the final victory, making me into a killer like yourself!" Also, the Joker seems to acknowledge this fact, casually remarking that if he "had the guts for 'that kind of fun', you (the Batman) would have done it years ago", once again expressing his disregard for (his own) life through stating that killing him is a kind of fun. Conversely, the Joker has given up many chances to kill Batman. Their mutual obsession is unique compared to other superheroes and villains
He is renowned as Batman's most unpredictable foe,despite not having any special power like other villain.He relied on himself by creating variety of weapons. Sometimes he commit crimes just for the fun of it while on other occasions, it is a part of a grand scheme. His capricious nature, coupled with his maniacal blood-lust makes The Joker the one villain that even other super-villain fear.
Cruel and sadistic as he is, the Joker has a human side. Before his accident, nobody thought he was worth anything special, and all he wanted to do was prove his worth. Now emotionally scarred by life's tragedies, he merely desires to extend his amazing sense of humor to the point where people finally see who he is meant to be-a star. However, with Batman foiling his every comically-ridden crime, he feels he may never get that chance, so he attempts constantly to prove himself to Batman as special, so maybe the Dark Knight will leave him be. This is a false hope, however, as Batman will always be there to rid the city of turmoil, no matter how much pain it causes the Joker.
Also, he even has his own code of ethics and honor, even he's a bigger monster than he was, admitting that while he is a killer, even he doesn't steal from a child's college funds. He was also sane enough to realize when he actually committed a crime or not, where he was to be placed on death row because several people had died of Joker venom from licking postage stamps, and he explains even after being sentenced to death row that he considered himself innocent of the crime because even he wouldn't stoop down as low and simply as just placing joker venom on stamps for people to die from licking it, and would have operated on a much smarter level given his credentials of a criminal mastermind, something that even Batman agreed with.
In conclusion, the reason why I picked The Joker as a fictional character I admire the most is because he is someone that is average since beginning but able to stir fear to everyone through his work. I take it in a positive way that if you work really hard and smart you can achieve success in whatever your endeavor is. I also like how unpredictable he is and how he take lightly of everything. His laid back attitude and how he enjoy every moment of his life make me respect him. His creativity and his level of intellect inspires me not to mention how even though he is a villain he still have a little inkling in him that still care for certain people.That is why I choose him, because he is on his class of his own.
There have been times when Batman has been tempted to put the Joker down once and for all, but has relented at the last minute. After capturing the Joker in one story, he threatens to kill his old foe, but then says, "But that would give you the final victory, making me into a killer like yourself!" Also, the Joker seems to acknowledge this fact, casually remarking that if he "had the guts for 'that kind of fun', you (the Batman) would have done it years ago", once again expressing his disregard for (his own) life through stating that killing him is a kind of fun. Conversely, the Joker has given up many chances to kill Batman. Their mutual obsession is unique compared to other superheroes and villains
He is renowned as Batman's most unpredictable foe,despite not having any special power like other villain.He relied on himself by creating variety of weapons. Sometimes he commit crimes just for the fun of it while on other occasions, it is a part of a grand scheme. His capricious nature, coupled with his maniacal blood-lust makes The Joker the one villain that even other super-villain fear.
Cruel and sadistic as he is, the Joker has a human side. Before his accident, nobody thought he was worth anything special, and all he wanted to do was prove his worth. Now emotionally scarred by life's tragedies, he merely desires to extend his amazing sense of humor to the point where people finally see who he is meant to be-a star. However, with Batman foiling his every comically-ridden crime, he feels he may never get that chance, so he attempts constantly to prove himself to Batman as special, so maybe the Dark Knight will leave him be. This is a false hope, however, as Batman will always be there to rid the city of turmoil, no matter how much pain it causes the Joker.
Also, he even has his own code of ethics and honor, even he's a bigger monster than he was, admitting that while he is a killer, even he doesn't steal from a child's college funds. He was also sane enough to realize when he actually committed a crime or not, where he was to be placed on death row because several people had died of Joker venom from licking postage stamps, and he explains even after being sentenced to death row that he considered himself innocent of the crime because even he wouldn't stoop down as low and simply as just placing joker venom on stamps for people to die from licking it, and would have operated on a much smarter level given his credentials of a criminal mastermind, something that even Batman agreed with.
In conclusion, the reason why I picked The Joker as a fictional character I admire the most is because he is someone that is average since beginning but able to stir fear to everyone through his work. I take it in a positive way that if you work really hard and smart you can achieve success in whatever your endeavor is. I also like how unpredictable he is and how he take lightly of everything. His laid back attitude and how he enjoy every moment of his life make me respect him. His creativity and his level of intellect inspires me not to mention how even though he is a villain he still have a little inkling in him that still care for certain people.That is why I choose him, because he is on his class of his own.
im not exactly an avid follower of Batman but i always thought that villains who actually enjoy their evil work and are seen smiling and laughing while they kill innocent people for fun are indeed on a different level on villains who do their dirty work for other reasons.
And what's interesting is how we can somehow relate to them (in this case the Joker), or pity and like him even; for some reason that only shows how only human we all are, no ;)?
my opinions aside, i couldn't agree less the Joker can be an admirable character given he was actually just an average but is able to be undeniably talented at what he is doing compared to most others (even if it isn't in a good way ^^), and for that reason he is kind of charismatic.
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