For me, the emotions that are most difficult to manage when others disagree with me are jealousy, and angry.These mix up feelings jumbled up inside me and sometimes may even cloud my judgement.When people disagree with you, you will probably feel a mix up of negative emotions, but it also depends on how you handle them.

As stated in the videos above, each of these feelings are hazardous to you and the people around you. Pent up emotions are like a balloon, the more you suppress it the more it become compact and smooshed inside you resulting a big blow leaving messes behind.So I listed some of my opinion on how some of the people react towards some emotions and then I'll tell more about how I handle my inner demons.

When we are trying not to feel something, it is actually ineffective and can be harmful. Suppressing strong emotions affect what you are able to pay attention to and therefore what you remember. So much energy is spent trying to suppress the strong emotions that it will make our sense of acuity (how alert you are on your grasp on reality) diminished.- you are paying less attention to what is actually happening and this can be dangerous.
Others like me, rather to be a bit vocal about our thoughts. I admit it is a childish act of mine. This is what kids do.If they are upset or frightened they will cry,if they are happy will laugh and if they are upset or angry they will let out a bloody murder screaming festival and throw tantrums. They are some situations (such as social scenes, or when I'm in public) when this option isn't available at all or only partially available.Hitting a pillow with a baseball bat might not be appropriate way to express strong emotions in a cafe but crying or laughing may be.

Last but not least,the people who transform their emotions or channeling them into something good (well there are a few slip up and become bad, but we are just human) There are actually two ways you can transform your emotion either by labeling it or re framing it.I think I used too much complicated terminology.To make things simple, what I mean by labeling is by detecting the emotion and giving name to it while re framing is by looking at it different way.

Labeling are more or less like adopting a pet.You acknowledge the presence of your emotions, assessing it by naming them and last but not least is by letting it go. When you are feeling a strong emotion, things are only getting worst if you are talking about it  too much or even worst, a sudden monologue with your emotion and ending up being a paranoid delving on it.It So whenever you feel agitated with something instead of pushing that emotion down or trying to ignore it, give that emotion a few seconds of attention, asked yourself what is the emotions you are feeling currently,when you found it, do a quick label on it and let it go.

While re framing on the other hand is actually putting a different interpretation onto the same set of circumstances (more or less like how you see yourself in a mirror).Its like a stopping mechanism.It actually put a hold on your strong emotion in a smart order. How you sort and file the event make all the different in the world to how you feel about it and how it affect you.Even if you are not sure if this possible or that there'll be a single answer to your question, just try it.You'll be amazed at how your unconscious will deliver an answer to you, if you only ask,be still, don't judge and listen.

Okay, now its time for me to answer the question on how I deal with my emotions.When I'm battling with my inner demons, I will deal with these by evaluating each the reasons why people are disagreeing with me or my ideas by listening to their opinion and by weighing it's pros and cons.I too will, try and compare or combine their idea with mine and try to improve or come up with a better idea.Taking opinions from each side into account, I can get a good grasp of the situation by keeping calm and rational in handling the matters.


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