Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lesson 8: Suggestion In Media

When it we see something in through the media publication, have this thoughts come across your mind?

  • Is what you see really what you get?
  • Do you really want it?
A critical thinker is always aware of the presence and power of suggestion in mass media.

Suggestion means ideas or images in such ways to reveal certain ideas and to conceal others.Little did we know that suggestion played quite important role in everyday of our daily life.We use the power of suggestion to create impression in our personal lives, impressions that help us to look or seem better in some ways we actually are.Here are a few situational example on how the power of suggestion plays a major role in the professional world:-

Situation 1:
A car sales person approach a yuppie telling him to sit inside a car and makes himself feel comfortable, hoping that the suggestions of ownership and the smell or the feeling of a new car will induce him to buy it.

Situation 2:
A real estate agent show a house to a newly wed couple during the morning with all the windows opened and she welcome them with a freshly baked home made cookies right from the oven, filling the house with sweet smells of pastries and cookies. Making the house seem warm and inviting. A perfect place to build a family.

So how does suggestion play it's parts in media publication. The word media comes from the Latin word, medium which means "in the middle".We know about advertisements in print or electronic media but that's merely scratch the surface of it. TV producers, directors, editors, and advertisers have always used the power of suggestion in their working field. So we are going to take a sneak peek into the world of media suggestion. 

1)News Media

"the relationship between news, entertainment, and advertising has become so sophisticated and seamless that it is difficult to tell them apart (Basham, 2008)"

New media acts as a middle agent; a bridge between us and the world of events occurring around us. There are few ways on how the media piqued our interest and keep us entertained. News media used the viewer's unwillingness to think rigorously to their advantages and deliver the news in non contextual but entertaining news

Here are a few guidelines to helps us understands the subtle but consciously detectable use of suggestion.
For news program and talk shows, be aware of:
  • The selection of issues -
    One method used to attract and entertain viewers is called sensationalism; more interesting stories are chosen over the less exciting but more newsworthy ones.
  • The time factor - two elements of time that can influence viewer are:
    1)Placement of the stories - stories with early coverage on newscast will give more urgent impact on it
    2)Quantity of time for the coverage - feature guest who discuss different sides of the issues will make the audience feel better acquainted and more likely to be influenced by the guest given more time
  • Use of language - The reporter's language can affect audience perception of an issue.
    Example: For a news report of a terrorist bombing,compare how the following choice of word affect the viewer's perception.
    "Group X takes credit for the bombing"
    "Group X held responsibility for the bombing"
    The use of language can affect audience perception of an issue.
    Example:In a talk show discussing the use of stem cell to produce synthetic cell by scientist,compare hot the following word affect the viewer's perception.
    "Should scientist be allowed to create new cells from stem cells?"
    "Should scientist be allowed to construct new cells from stem cells?"
  • Nonverbal element of clothing -
    The way someone is dressed is an important factor in creating a suggestion of his/her character and appropriateness for a given role.
  • Camera angle and distance -
    1)Close up control our emotions by adding element of intimacy and may lead us to identify more readily with the person's viewpoint
    2)Shooting angle from below gives the speaker more authority, as the viewer is "looking up" to the speaker.This technique command attention and respect for the speaker/spokesperson.
2)Print Media
As a critical thinkers,we can be responsible readers when we consider the following:-

  1. Use of the headline - 
    Sensational headline of 'tabloid' newspaper are not credible.Headlines are important because many readers are scanners - that means that they skim the newspaper, reading the headlines and then going back to the only articles that interest them.
  2. Fairness in reporting issue - 
    Editors decide which article are important enough to cover and on what page they appear.
  3. Photo composition - "A picture is worth a thousand words"
    Angle of shot:- wider angle can give a sense of generality while narrow angle could focus on something hence enhancing their importance
    Timeline of a photo - outdated photo can change people perception towards something
When we see something we should stop and consider what is the viewpoint or perspective that it tries to suggest.

Critically evaluating the news message:-
  • Define what is the message that it tries to to sent. What specific, or factual information that it tries to deliver.
  • Separate the information from how the information is being delivered.
  • Define the larger context from which the information has been selected.
  • Try to find the methods they are trying to use to attract your attention.
  • Try to find who gains benefit from the story.
What ads do:-
a)To inform
b)To motivate.

Common advertising ploy:-
-Catchy slogan
-Emotive language
-Anxiety ads
-Feel good ads
-Weasel words
-Fine print disclaimer
-Sex appeal
-Celebrity endorsement

Subliminal Persuasion
Subliminal persuasion is the act of making the target think and act against their will by messages(suggestion) geared to affect us in ways our conscious mind cant detect.Diestler, identified subliminal persuasion as information that is extraneous to the main messages given. This information can be perceived if we are made aware of it.But this messages requires training.

Subliminal persuasion in advertisement - copywriters and graphic designers use subtle phrasing and combination of colors and formats to attract us to a certain product.

Subliminal persuasion in political campaign -
Example 1: As soon as the leader of People's Party(PP) appears on the screen TV, station logo replaced with the inscription Mas PP (Most People's Party), while in the background the words "pension", "employment", "health", "progress", "europe", "education" etc.

Example 2: Portraying Barack Obama as a kind of saint savior in most his pictures

Caution with subliminal persuasion.
As a critical thinker, we can:-
a)Understand how subliminal persuasion operates
b)Being aware of our attention span when we are viewing to or listening to an advertisement.
c)Thinking twice before buying a certain product by making sure that you are buying it because it is the best
brand for you and not because of the brand name that you recognize.
d)As a voter, you need to be clear the reasons you are supporting it a particular candidate or a party. Dont get bought into a slogan or someone's claim without thinking. Do you clearly understand the issues and the various conclusion about the issue. yellow 

Media Literacy
Skillful application of literacy skills to media and technology messages. As communication technologies transform society, they impact our understanding of ourselves, our communities, and our diverse cultures, making media literacy an essential life skill for the 21st century - Alliance for Media Literate America

Being literate in a media age requires critical thinking skills which empower us as we make decisionsm whether in the classroom, the living room,the workplace, the board room or the voting booth.

Thinking critically about the internet:
Before you search the internet, ask yourself what you are looking for. Is it:

  • Facts
  • Opinions
  • Arguments
  • Narratives
  • Eyewitness reports
  • Statistic
Do you want a new ideas or something to support a position you already hold? Here is a checklist for evaluating the quality of internet resources:
  1. Authority
  2. Accuracy
  3. Objectivity
  4. Currentness.


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