A good argument is when we can make the target audience to agree with our conclusion and vice versa to determine if it is a bad argument. One of the criteria that makes a good argument are the conclusion and the premises of the argument are not vague.

Vague Sentences
Vague language is words and phrases that aren't very exact or precise. You might want to use this phrases if you are not sure of all the details of something, to speak informally in a friendly way, or perhaps just to save time in a conversation.The following notes are about vagueness in spoken English. Vagueness in written English is quite different.

  • Vague Nouns:- bit, things, stuff.
                            (There are a few things I'm not happy about. You did a lot of stuff that makes me
  • Quantifiers:- one or two, a few, a couple of, a lot, a plenty of, loads of.
                            (We have one or two things to discuss.)
  • Vagueness In Numbers:- around, about.
                            (It must be around three o' clock now.)
  • -ish(to give a vague vindication of time):-
                            (I usually get home about six-ish)
  • sort of,kind of(phrases used in describing things)
                            (You are kind of getting on my nerves) 
Vagueness can be cause by the uncertainty about the standards that are being use as a basis comparison.
e.g:- He is tall (There are no comparison about the heights that proves the subject is tall)
Confusion over the context is also one of the reason of vagueness can happened in a communication.
e.g:- Abortion is Immoral (There are no perspective in this statement.)
Last but not least regional/cultural cause of vagueness.
e.g:- Can send me back anot ah? Pliz?

Over Generality
Mom: Where did you put the jacket that you are going to bring tomorrow?
Kid:    Chair
Mom: Which shoes are you going to wear?
Kid:    That one.
Mom: Where did you put your tumbler?
Kid:    Table
Mom: What time do you want me to wake you up tomorrow?
Kid:    Anytime.
Mom: Can you please reply my questions seriously?
Kid:    Okay.

The conversation above is a good example of over generality usage in a conversation.Over generality means that the words that we are using is very clear and understandable but, statement refers to an idea that is not sufficiently specific to allow us to determine the important ideas that are being shared.

Ambiguity is a series of a statement that is worded in such way to make the listener/reader lose track of "which one" you are talking about.

An example of an ambiguous sentence: "The lady it the man with an umbrella". This can be interpret into two ways.
  1. Is the lady used an umbrella to hit that man ?
  2. Or is the lady hitting a man who is carrying an umbrella?

Euphemism and Dysphemism
Above situation explain that Santa Claus is trying to politely firing his elves. When we choose a word that makes some, concept, or object sounds better than it is, we called that word an euphemism.There are many common euphemism for many situations, however when a euphemism is harsh or insensitive and replaces a neutral or positive phrases, it is considered the opposite of euphemism which is known as a dysphemism.

Some common euphemism include the bathroom are restroom, washroom, where can I wash my hands, lieu wash closet(w/c) and the head. Pregnancy euphemism include in the family way, the rabbit died and bun in the oven. Being poor can be referred to financially challenged. Having an argument can be referred to as having words with someone. Being fired can be referred to as downsized,made redundant or let go. The blind are visually impaired, enhanced interrogation for being tortured, friendly fire for killing your own,stretching the truth for lying and last but not least put down to sleep for euthanasia.

Objectivity Vs Subjectivity
Objective truths are capable of proof: for instance, I look at bowling ball and a baseball and I say, the bowling ball is larger and heavier than the baseball. I prove the statement by measuring the two and weighing them - Objective truth. While subjective observations are those that reflect an accurate statement of a person  state of mind but cannot be proven by some objective method.

So if I say the old masters made better art than the impressionist, that is subjective as there are no way to measure the statement. It is my opinion. Or I might say apples taste better than Brussels sprouts (Which I would say not as I like them both). Well, again that is an opinion, mine against yours. And no matter how many agree. It is still not an objective fact.

Fact Vs Opinion
Many times we create confusion when we add out own opinions to facts and come up with wrong conclusion.
  1. Fact:- Two people are whispering when you walk up.Suddenly they stop.
    Opinion:- They must be gossiping about me.
  2. Fact:- Someone has reported about you to the authorities
    Opinion:- They will blacklisted you. You are now ruined and finished.
Many time we tend to behave negatively due to our own adverse opinions. We feel people are per se are hostile and not friendly. We become anxious and fearful for no good reason in situation which is relatively safe.



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